25 September 2006

A No Win Situation

Senator Allen is, I'm sure, unhappy to see an AP story entitled Sen. Allen Denies Using Racial Slur. Saying it would be bad, denying it is bad, being accused of it is bad.


Oroborous said...

It was a slur, although more of a cultural insult than an explicitly racial one, if I'm understanding it correctly.

What bothers me is that Allen insulted someone in a foreign tongue, at a public function, knowing that he was being recorded, and then lied about it incoherently and badly.

To me, this suggests that Sen. Allen:

Has poor impulse control.
Is incompetent.
Is hubristic, and thinks that we're all idiots, while he's P.T. Barnum.
Probably is a racist, in that he didn't think twice about using the slur, he just opened his mouth and out it came. The ease of usage and surprise at being challenged over it suggests that in Allen's social circles, it's commonplace.

Given that the G.O.P. is going to hold the Senate with or without Allen, I wouldn't be sad to see this knucklehead go down in flames.

Oroborous said...

After a bit more reading on the subject, it appears that Allen is not prejudiced against minorities, although he's willing to use racial insults.