10 November 2006

A Little On The Nose For An English Eccentric, Innit.

Apparently, England is about to drag us into an intergalactic war.

'Aliens could attack at any time' warns former MoD chief:
UFO sightings and alien visitors tend to be solely the reserve of sci-fi movies.

So when a former MoD chief warns that the country could be attacked by extraterrestrials at any time, you may be forgiven for feeling a little alarmed.


David said...

Hey, there, foreign boy. Hillary could well be our next president.

Brit said...

By definition, I'm not foreign; you are.

Also, I'd love it if Hillary was the next president. Partly because it's surely now a bit embarrassing that you've never had a chick in charge; but mainly because it would stir up the blogworld no end.