22 November 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

A Happy Thanksgiving to all who happen, by mistake we assume, upon this page. May you all -- even those of you who, by accident of birth, are not celebrants -- eat too much, drink too much and spend too much time in the bosoms of your families.

If you would like to do good, too, you might want to look here.


Bret said...

Ya know, if ya really don't want hits, ya probably oughtta disable the RSS Feed.

Nonetheless, Happy thanxgivin' to you too!

David said...

I didn't even know I had one of them thar things.

Hey Skipper said...

Unfortunately, I'll be working. No rest for the wicked, as you would, undoubtedly, immediately observe.

Hey Skipper said...


I hang my ex-IT Professional head in shame, but how do I make the RSS feed work for The Blog That Winces at Every Hit?

joe shropshire said...

So you don't sit there pecking JavaScript into your Palm Pilot on those long hours in the left seat? For shame, Skipper. The nation's productivity isn't going to keep pace with you woolgathering like that.

Happy Thanksgiving, David. (Or Mazel Tov, or whatever it is you people say to one another on these occasions.)

David said...

Skipper: I don't think that you're wicked. It's much worse: I think that you're functionally religious.

Brit said...

Typical American excess: two Christmasses.

Our Harvest Festival is more modest. Schoolchildren collect the most obscure food cans that have been lurking unused at the back of the cupboard all year and foist them on the unsuspecting 'poor'.

Enjoy your hols, though.

Hey Skipper said...


It's much worse: I think that you're functionally religious.

You really know how to hurt a guy.

FWIW, my She Who is Perfect in All Ways has recently observed I am perhaps rather too much like Sheriff Bullock in the HBO series Deadwood.

David said...

We don't have HBO, so I've never seen the show.

Bret said...

Hey Skipper wrote: "I hang my ex-IT Professional head in shame, but how do I make the RSS feed work for The Blog That Winces at Every Hit?"

I'm not sure I understand the question because it's no different than tapping into any other blog's feed. I assume your using some feed aggregator for your feeds like bloglines, which provides a subscription button which you click on when visiting a blog's main page. Then, whenever anything's posted on that blog, it tells you and displays that specific article or article(s).

Bret said...

David wrote: "I didn't even know I had one of them thar things."

Yes, it defaults to "on" with blogger. Clearly too much effort for you to bother to change it so you'll just have to continue wincing when your posts pop up on our screens.

Hey Skipper said...


I'm not sure I understand the question because it's no different than tapping into any other blog's feed. I assume your using some feed aggregator for your feeds like bloglines ...

Oh fine, make me hang my head even more shamefully.

Now I know how my dog feels when I explain something to him.

Bret said...

hey skipper wrote: "Oh fine, make me hang my head even more shamefully."

I'm sorry, I shoulda worded it differently. I wasn't sure whether you were specifically having trouble with this blog's feed or you weren't sure how to use feeds. Did I answer your question?

Hey Skipper said...


No, I didn't know how to use feeds.

And, yes you did.

Thanks for taking the time.