19 December 2006

Without The Umbrella, It's Completely Different

David Zucker takes on the Iraq Study Group:


Brit said...

Poor old Neville.

We all talk a good game, but, really, which of us would want to have to make these decisions?

David said...

Yeah, it's not as if he seized power in a coup. There's a reason Churchill wasn't in a position to make those decisions.

Brit said...

Also, whether Iraq is a "quagmire" is debatable, but even the harshest critics of the invasion can't claim that it was the War to End All Wars.

It's an amusing video, and good to see some anti-Left satire for a change, but it is fatuous to compare the unprecedented military might of the US in 2006 with Britain in the 1930s.

Which is why Churchill was all the more remarkable.

joe shropshire said...

Chamberlain was a decent guy, Baker, to put it mildly, is not. Our apologies to Neville.