08 December 2006

Four Weddings and a Funeral

We watched this movie at home tonight, because we both had fond, albeit vague, memories of it. As it turns out, the movie is dreadful. What were we thinking? In order to find out, I went and looked up Roger Ebert's review of the movie. Ebert liked it, but his description might as well be of some other movie entirely. Ebert always gets something wrong about the movie, writing in the dark apparently not being one of his talents. This time, however, he bollixed up the entire film and ends up reviewing a film that was not made. Oddly, the movie as reviewed would likely not have been any better.


joe shropshire said...

Dreadful? It's got Andie MacDowell in it. Nancy boy.

Brit said...

Andie McDowell looks like a bloke.

Time has not been kind to Four Weddings - for one thing, Hugh Grant's dithery nice posh boy act has become deeply irritating as the novelty has vanished.

It is still unfortunately the high point of that Richard Curtis genre, which reached its nadir with the unwatchable Love Actually.

Hey Skipper said...

Keep in mind FWAF is a chick flick, which means entirely different standards, inscrutable to mere men, apply.

I have to side with Joe here. A number of things occur to me when watching Andie MacDowell.

That she looks like a bloke is not one of them.

David said...

Skipper: My wife agrees.

All: I assume that Brit means "bloke" as in "boyish" or "slim" or "built like a brick wall." I was surprised at some of the scenes in which she was plain shading to unattractive.

Brit said...

Winona Ryder is slim and boyish.

Andie MacDowell looks like a bloke.

David said...

Odd looking bloke.

David said...

Although,frankly, she's an odd looking bird, too.