22 August 2006


This isn't the sickest thing I've heard of that's not itself violent crime, but it's close.

What can we do with people who are sexually fixated on the pre-pubescent? Kill them, incarcerate them for life, castrate them (actually or chemically), tattoo them, tag them, just let them live in the community until convicted of a crime and after being released? None of the alternatives is attractive, but the one we adopt by default seems the most problematic.


Brit said...

I suppose the questions are: can they (in general) be cured; and can they (this one in particular) be cured; and if so, is he willing to be cured?

Ideally, we'd be able to cure them with psychiatric/therapy methods rather than physical castration.

Anonymous said...

lock them away in the general prison population for life, on the first offense. call it the dahmer solution.