31 August 2017

Pumpkin Spice Does Not Contain Pumpkin

I'm the first to admit that this is an odd thing to be annoyed at (I'm thinking that the blog might just become a series of short posts about things that annoy me), but I find it very annoying when people confuse pumpkin with pumpkin spice. This time of year, it's hard to go a day without having to listen/read someone complaining about how there isn't any pumpkin in their pumpkin spice latte -- which isn't surprising because pumpkin spice does not contain pumpkin.

Pumpkin spice is the spice that goes into pumpkin pie (Wikipedia on Pumpkin Spice). It is a very familiar taste and -- thank God -- completely masks the taste of pumpkin. Not having pumpkin in your pumpkin spice latte/candle/air freshener/ice cream/whatever is the point -- a feature and not a bug.

1 comment:

erp said...

David, a refreshing voice of reason.