27 June 2008

I Know SUVs Are Diabolical...

Exclusive: No ice at the North Pole

Arctic Volcanoes Found Active at Unprecedented Depths
...But causing underwater volcanoes is just going too darn far.


Anonymous said...

And the sea level has risen how much? I must have missed the news story that told about the rise in ocean levels due to the melting of the Arctic ice cap. Can someone fill me in?

Anonymous said...

Obviously melting ice in the Arctic Ocean isn't going to raise sea levels. The theory is that it's an indicator of warmening, which will eventually melt land based ice (e.g., the Greenland ice cap) which is what will raise sea levels.

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't the Greenland ice be melting, then? And the Antarctic ice? If it is global warming that's responsible, that is.

David said...

You just think that because us righties lack the nuance to understand that global warming isn't falsified merely by empirical evidence that it's not global and it's not warming.

Anonymous said...


Most warmenists claim that the Greenland ice cap is, in fact, melting. I find the evidence ambiguous, and not sufficiently long scale (i.e., there's no reason that long term stability in the Greenland ice cap means year to year stability as well).

But seriously, Arctic Ocean ice melting won't change sea levels for the same reason melting ice in your drink won't cause it to overflow.

erp said...

aog, thank you for telling us what we all should have known ... and if Greenland does get warmer at some point, it only means it's returning to a former state, i.e., green.

Harry Eagar said...

And now it appears that one vent at one Nicaraguan volcano pumps more mercury into the atmosphere than all the industrial emitters in the UK.

(Reported today at www.sciencedaily.com.)